Friday, April 5, 2013

LoadCentral Loading Business

Click on the links provided below to know more about the LoadCentral Loading Business.

About LoadCentral

Prepaid Partners




Instructions after being registered as a LoadCentral Retailer:

Retailer Manual - Webtool 
The LoadCentral retailer’s role is to sell to customers any of over 90 products in the 
LoadCentral platform.  These products are classified as follows: 
1.  Mobile phone e-Loads or e-PINs 
2. Online game e-PINs 
3.  Satellite cards, prepaid landline cards, and other prepaid products 
I.  Starting out as a retailer 
1. Open your web browser (MS Internet Explorer recommended) and go to the 
LoadCentral Webtool website,
2. Log in to your retailer account by keying in your assigned username and 
password.  The username will be given to you by LoadCentral head office or 
your sub-dealer.  The initial password is 123456. Click on the Sign in  button. 
3.  Once signed in, click on the “Change Password” link. 
4.  To change the password, populate all the fields.  Key in the ff:   
i.  your username,  
ii.  your FL or SMS password (123456) 
iii.  your current SL or Webtool password (123456)  iv.  your new 6-digit SL or Webtool password.   
v.  again, your new 6-digit SL or Webtool password for verification. 
Once all fields are populated, click on the “Change SL Password” button.  A verification 
message will appear, e.g. : “SL Password for retailer1a changed.” near the top of the 
5.  Click on the Log out” link and then log in again using your new SL or Webtool 
password.  If you already have credits in your load wallet, then you may start selling 
prepaid products to customers. 
II. Selling Prepaid products  
1. When a customer wishes to purchase any prepaid product, we select first the 
“ELOAD PRODUCTS” category then the specific product from the drop-down 
menu of “Product”.  For example, the customer wants to buy a Smart Eload 15, 
and his/her mobile number is 09191234567;  you may now select the said product 
from the drop-down menu and type in the mobile number in the appropriate 
fields.  Once all details are accurate, click on “Sell Product”.  A confirmation 
message will appear on top regarding the successful sale transaction.  The 
customer now waits for his e-load to get to his mobile phone, and will, in turn, 
pay for his purchase. 
2. If the product requires and optional parameter (usually, this is Globe 
Autoloadmax PhP15-150 variable denomination or Dream Smartcard).  To 
illustrate for Globe Autoloadmax,  select the specific product, key in the customer’s mobile number, and in the “Optional parameter field”, key in the 
denomination (e.g. for P40 worth, key in 40) that the customer desires to 
purchase.  Click on “Sell Product”. A confirmation message will appear regarding 
the transaction. 
3.  If the product sold to a customer is an e-PIN, we just select the “CALL CARDS” 
product category then the specific product from the drop-down menu of “Product” 
(e.g. Smart Buddy 300) and key in the customer’s mobile phone number.  For 
multiple purchases of the same product to the same customer, we can set how many 
products (maximum of 10) we want to sell in the “Quantity” field.  For example, we 
want to sell four (4) Smart Buddy 300 e-PINs, totaling P1200 in value.  We type in 
“4” in the Quantity field and click on “Sell Product”.  A confirmation message will 
appear, and we can once again collect the payment from the customer. 
4.  There are times when a customer’s mobile phone has poor or no signal at the time 
of his purchase.  If and only if the customer purchased an e-PIN, we can “push” 
the system to resend the customer’s last e-PIN purchase.  This action does NOT 
deduct anything from your load wallet as we are only resending the exact same e-PIN 
that we sold to that customer.  Note also that this works only for the last e-PIN that 
a customer purchased. 
To resend the customer’s e-PIN, simply key in the customer’s mobile phone number 
and click on the “Submit” button. 
III.  Monitoring Sales Transactions and Earnings 
You may use the Webtool to generate a detailed report of all the transactions within 
a chosen start date and a chosen end date.  The retailer may choose these dates by 
clicking on the small calendar icons below the “Start Date” and “End Date” fields then 
generate the report by clicking on the “Submit” button.  LoadCentral recommends a daily generation of reports so that the retailer does not have to wait very long to generate 
a monthly report or a weekly report. 
The retailer earns an average of 10.3% across all LoadCentral products.  When This can 
be seen in the “Earnings” column of the sales transaction report.  For a complete list of 
products and their corresponding earnings, please refer to the LoadCentral discount 
structure for retailers. 




Now if you are interested feel free to contact me through my FACEBOOK ACCOUNT or through text 09232079721.

Registration fee FREE


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